Volunteer Information

Nash Farm is located in Grapevine at 626 Ball Street. It is said to have been built in 1870 by Thomas and Elizabeth Nash. The farm house and grounds are now maintained by the Grapevine Heritage Foundation. It is time to Volunteer to help with Spring into Nash Farm. Nash Farm is intended to be a historical Grapevine landmark as well as a family friendly and educational destination where you can learn about farm life.

• Volunteer check-in for Nash Farm Round-Up is located at Nash Farm by the Windmill.
• Volunteer parking is located at Cannon Elementary School on College Street.
• No use of cell phones will be permitted while on duty.


Grapevine Heritage Foundation

16th Annual Fall Round-Up

October 15th, 2016
Nash Farm

Thank you for help. We ask that you wear jeans, plaid shirt or you may wear your organizations shirt if preferred, closed-toe shoes, hats and sunscreen. It is hot in Texas in the fall. You may want to bring a water bottle to refill as well.

There are no shifts available at this time.

Already signed up? Click here to check your status.

Volunteers are placed in shifts on a first come - first served basis on this web site. We will attempt to honor your schedule request, but the final decision will be made by the Festival Volunteer Committee.

Volunteers must be at least 13 years of age to volunteer.

If you have questions please email sherribgr@tx.rr.com ;

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